Australia's standards body for Standards Australia International Limited, its predecessor in 1992 to set up the Australian Commonwealth Engineering Standards Association, 1929 years to Standards Association of Australian (SAA). Certification known as the Australian SAA certification should be based on "SAA to develop standards Certification "referred to, but as a standard-setting bodies, SAA has never been issued a certificate authentication products. SAA in 1988 and changed its name to Standards Australia, 1999 by the Association changed Ltd., known as the Standards 

Australia International Limited. SAA is an independent company with no direct relationship between the Government, even though the federal government and state governments in which it is a member. However, as in any country's technology infrastructure means that the importance of close cooperation with the Government and it is very necessary. In order to ensure that, since 1988, SAA and the federal government has a Memorandum of Understanding between the SAA is a recognition of Australia's non-governmental organizations of the highest standards of the organization. In the memorandum pointed out that the standards should be in line with WTO requirements, for which there is agreement that when the appropriate international standards already exist, they do not have to develop new standards for Australia. 

Australia's standards in order to 'AS' at the beginning, Australia and New Zealand joint standard AS / NZS 'standards. Australia and New Zealand's standard of basic standards in line with the IEC (Australia currently has 33.3 percent of the standard completely in line with national standards), there are some differences between countries, such as due to the geographical location of certain product standards (such as fans) must be provided for According to the tropical climate to consider.